When a doctor declares a person to be medically DEAD, that doesn't mean every cell in the body is. As the heart stops pumping, cells stop getting the oxygen. The brain has a last-minute surge of activity, and then it "goes dark".allnewses24
Without oxygen, all muscles relax, which for some can mean and emptying of the bowels and the bladder. However, some cells -- not to mention the 100 trillion bacteria living in our intestines, on our skin and elsewhere -- continue to survive, which contributes to the variety things that happen to the human body after we die. First stop is algor mortis:
the body loses about 1.5 degrees F per hour until it is the same temperature as the environment it's in. Next is livor mortis, or lividity, which is the pooling of blood and fluids at the lowest parts of the body. Depending on a person's skin color, this can appear as a dark purplish-blue. The next phase is rigor mortis, which is when a flood of calcium causes muscles to contract again and stay tense for the next 24 to 48 hours. If your eyes are open when rigor mortis sets in,
By day two or three, the body starts to putrefy. Bacteria and microorganisms in the digestive tract start to spread to other parts of the body, consuming, for example, the pancreas. The abdomen should be turning green at this point and gas starts to build up, forcing any remaining fecal matter out of the body. Organic compounds putrescine and cadaverine make their way into the blood vessels.allnewses24
Necrosis starts to turn the body from greenish to black. The smell attracts ambitious insects, which invade the body and start laying eggs. Fly larvae are born inside a smorgasbord of tissue in which to feed on. Maggots can consume up to 60% of the body in just a week. And all this is just the first week! It gets waaaaaaay grosser from here. Watch the video if you dare ... but don't say we didn't warn you (and happy Halloween ... muah hah hah).allnewses24 What Happens When You Die?
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