Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Privacy of presidential kids not always respected By Ed Payne and Dana Bash, 

2014 -- Updated 1318   Watch this video GOP aide quits after dissing Obama girls STORY HIGHLIGHTS There's an unwritten rule that presidential kids are off-limits A GOP staffer is resigning after breaking that rule Commentators and satirists made fun of Chelsea Clinton The  

That's the unwritten rule in Washington. But rules are broken -- and Elizabeth Lauten is hardly the first one to do so. Lauten, communications director for Tennessee Rep. Stephen Fincher, resigned from her post after setting off a social media firestorm by railing against the Obama daughters.

 Sasha, Malia unimpressed by turkey pardon In a Thanksgiving-Day screed on Facebook, she scolded Malia and Sasha Obama, 16 and 13 years old, respectively, for what she said was their inappropriate outfits and their bored looks during Wednesday's turkey pardoning ceremony. "Try showing a little class," Lauten wrote. "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.

And certainly don't make faces during televised, public events," she concluded. She later apologized, but the post went viral.   political analyst John Avlon said Lauten's reaction was "way out of order. " "Let's reality check here, folks. This is a turkey pardon. This is not a matter of war and peace. This is kind of an odd bit of show dating back to Harry Truman," he said.

 " GOP staffer resigns over criticism of Obama daughters The White House expressed shock, but so did the GOP. "Children, especially the first daughters, should be off-limits in the political discourse from attacks,"

 said Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee communications director. It has long been a bipartisan goal to respect, and protect, the privacy of presidential kids, who are living in a fishbowl through no fault of their own. But that hands-off policy has limits. Here are some examples from the recent past: Amy Carter Amy was just 9 years old when her father,
 Jimmy Carter, took up residence in the White House in 1977.

 . Wanting her to have a normal childhood, the Clintons asked the media to limit their coverage of Chelsea to public events. "We really work hard on making sure that Chelsea doesn't let other people define her sense of her own self-worth,"

 President Bill Clinton said in a 1992 People magazine interview. "It's tough when you are an adolescent because peer opinion and other people's opinion become more important. But I think she'll be OK." Still, it wasn't long before "Saturday Night Live" and Rush Limbaugh took a crack at Chelsea, mocking her appearance. Limbaughhttps://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8386451821967723709#editor/target=post;postID=5971393905928598396

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